Whatsapp Group for june-july-august step 1

5/12/2018 2:58:22 AM
Plz add me +918295117519

5/14/2018 1:41:05 PM
Please add me to wats app group
My number : 923218856495

5/14/2018 2:13:51 PM

5/14/2018 2:14:13 PM
0023474095392, please add me

5/14/2018 6:52:36 PM
wznr997648 wrote:
Hi, The whatsapp group will be for discussing topics and motivation. If you interest in please add your wapp as a comment or message thx

Hi can we form a skype group of 6 people of something?
Only for those with exams in May/June/July/August.
each of us list out what we are weak at from doing uworld, FA or old nbmes 1-12 concepts.
Most weakness will overlap or if someone is weak at something which the other while be strong at and vice versa and can teach others to work on the concepts by explaining them.
We can do some practise questions by sharing screen and discuss the concept of the hard questions and revise by the differential methods of why this option doesn't work for the question and the right one does of going through the options with FA to help develop thinking differentials.
Also we can discuss X-ray/ECG/Neuro CT/MRI/patho images are frequently come over NBMES and Uworld and will help us to revise.
We can meet every other day over skype for couple of hours. And share screens to explain each other concepts by paint on microsoft/paint on mac or if someone doesn't mind sharing their camera while they draw out on paper to explain and teach each other.
Also we can do some rapid quizzing of buzz words to each other to help us revise FA

Let me know if anyone is interested. I think is a good idea. Just anything to become better doctors and test takers and score high in step 1. Please share your skype ID. And Also when your exam is targeted. you can inbox me too. Thanks

5/14/2018 8:08:23 PM
please add me +995555385402

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