UWorld Cares

Driven by a Sense of Community

Investing to drive success in education

 2023 Impact Report

2022 Impact Report
2021 Impact Report
2020 Impact Report

Since its inception, UWorld was founded on the principle of helping people. It’s the reason for our company’s existence and we work hard every day to help others achieve excellence in their pursuit of higher education and rewarding careers. We view philanthropy as an extension of that same mission. We invest in our community, not because we have to but because we want to.

Education is what we do. We are committed to building partnerships with community organizations that are dedicated to making a positive impact on education. We do so by investing our time, talent, and resources to those causes. From the people we hire to the values we espouse, we want UWorld’s legacy to be about the people we help.

Chandra S. Pemmasani, M.D.

UWorld Founder & CEO

Granted in annual UWorld product scholarships
850+ hours
Volunteered by UWorlders in local communities
Donated in 2024 to organizations across the country

Our Philosophy

As a recognized industry leader for building online learning tools, we have established ourselves as a trusted stakeholder in education at the highest levels. We know our achievements are thanks to more than just our efforts and this sense of responsibility drives us to reinvest in the amazing communities we serve.

Our Priorities

Providing students the opportunity to succeed is the heart of what we do. UWorld was founded on innovative education delivery methods and models, which have helped more than 2 million people succeed on their high-stakes exams. We believe that education is the great equalizer. It lifts struggling communities, and is the cure to many of society’s ills. Keep reading to learn more about our funding priorities.

Middle & High School Education

We believe that access to effective education provides the pathway for higher education and, ultimately, a successful future. We consider community-specific needs when evaluating funding requests. Our desire is to invest in innovative and sustainable programs for maximum effectiveness.

Middle and High School Education


Science, technology, engineering, and math -- or STEM -- are the basis for the educational products we produce. They are foundationally important subjects relevant to today’s society and essential for those economies that want to stay competitive. We consider scientific literacy as a funding priority because it helps to address the skills gap in today’s workforce.

Financial Literacy

Our desire in funding educational objectives is to remove barriers to higher education. As there is a growing body of evidence that acknowledges the knowledge gap in financial literacy in schools , we consider promoting financial literacy and financial resilience as important objectives for our philanthropic efforts.

Financial Literacy


Click on the following links to learn more about current scholarship opportunities

UWorld Cares Community Grants - How to Apply

We accept applications from Jan. 1 – March 31. Organizations will be notified in May if their request has been approved. Requests must be submitted through our online portal to be considered for approval.


Please carefully review our funding guidelines.

In order to receive funding from UWorld, organizations must meet the following criteria:

  • Qualify as a 501(c)(3) tax exempt public charity, with 501(c)(3) status that has been active for no less than two years.
  • Operate in Collin, Dallas, Denton, or Tarrant counties in Texas.
  • Provide programming that supports middle school or high school education, STEM, or financial literacy.

We do not provide funding to the following types of organizations:

  • Organizations that will use the funding to support athletic/sports teams; political parties, candidates, or lobbying activities; publications; fraternal or labor organizations; advertising; special events; or capital campaigns or endowments.
  • Those affiliated with any national organization or chapter that discriminates on the basis of any characteristic protected under applicable federal, state, or local law.
  • Those not recognized as charitable organizations by the Internal Revenue Service.

Religious organizations must agree that the funds will be designated only to ongoing secular community service programs that do not endorse a belief in a specific faith and are open to all persons. We do not provide direct funding to public, private, or charter schools.

Please contact us at [email protected] with any questions.

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