RN Self Assessment simulation exam

6/6/2017 1:37:26 AM
HillsRN wrote:
Lindsay64902226 wrote:
HillsRN wrote:
What does it mean if you are borderline.

It means you are borderline, you are close to passing but could also fail. Close to the passing mark. Hope that helps. Is that what your RN simclex said when you did it?
... Yes this is what my test said. Thx for the reply. More studying with more effort.
edited by on 1/16/2017

6/13/2017 8:40:29 PM
I just did the first assessment. Got a 47 percent which is borderline, aka I need to study my weak areas before I take the test. So I am going to study 4 more weeks then take assessment 2, a week before my nclex. Anybody have this happen to them and then take assessment 2 after all uworld questions are done and reviewed, and then done better in assessment 2??


6/13/2017 11:03:50 PM
Hi, i did the 2nd assessment after completing the remaining qbank and yes it helps but i think 2nd assessmnt was more difficult than the first. You still have 4 weeks, you can do it and after answering the qbanks its better to focus on ur weak topics then take the 2nd assessmnt maybe 1 week prior ur exam so you can still review. But dont be discourage with ur scores just focus and the goal is to pass.. Good luck

6/21/2017 6:52:56 PM
fssh973654 wrote:
Hi, i did the 2nd assessment after completing the remaining qbank and yes it helps but i think 2nd assessmnt was more difficult than the first. You still have 4 weeks, you can do it and after answering the qbanks its better to focus on ur weak topics then take the 2nd assessmnt maybe 1 week prior ur exam so you can still review. But dont be discourage with ur scores just focus and the goal is to pass.. Good luck

6/20/2018 4:06:23 PM
yecp972971 wrote:
I scored an 80% a high chance of passing and a average of 53% and failed nclex for the second time.

what was so much different about the NCLEX that you feel caused you to fail?

7/14/2018 6:28:26 PM
Lindsay64902226 wrote:
HillsRN wrote:
What does it mean if you are borderline.

It means you are borderline, you are close to passing but could also fail. Close to the passing mark. Hope that helps. Is that what your RN simclex said when you did it?

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