My Uworld/NCLEX Experience
I bought Uworld almost two months ago. This page was helpful with those who posted nclex questions and their experiences. I am in a BSN program that used Kaplan and Hesi. Hesi was okay with showing you how your scores were and where you stand. For the Hesi RN exit I got around 900 the semester before graduating. For Kaplan, I did their CATs and question trainers to help me and then remediated on what I knew and didn’t. I didn’t really like their Qbank and how their app was set up, so I focused on their tests and rationales. I credit Kaplan for their tree and how to take tests!!! Now with Uworld, I did questions in 10 Q intervals and kept going at it 10-12 times throughout the day. I did over 1000Qs with being in the 76 percentile. I got 58 & 68 % in the assessment with a high chance of passing. For the Kaplan readiness test, I received 68%, with 65% meaning like 99% chance of passing. Also, I read the Saunders book page by page and took notes because that’s how I learned. I sat from morning to night studying for the past month.
Today, I sat for the NCLEX at 8am and the computers wouldn’t work. I thought it wasn’t meant to be. I felt unsure the whole time with a handful SATA. I took a break at 2 hrs with 50 questions completed. At 75 questions, it shut off on me. It was the worst feeling ever. Also, I try to register again for the NCLEX and it let me, SO IT DID NOT WORK FOR ME. I am from Wisconsin, so I found out by looking up my licensure 5hrs after I tested. Btw the format was very similar to Uworld.
THERE IS HOPE GUYS. 🥰🥰😘😘 Thanks everyone!!!
edited by on 6/18/2019