2/13/2023 12:39:00 AM
HIII FUTURE NURSES!!!!! I am writing this to send words of encouragement for your upcoming NCLEX-RN exam and to believe in yourself. Reading other posts really helped me and I wanted to do the same for someone else.
I graduated nursing school in Dec 2022 and didn't start studying for nlcex until first week of Jan 2023. My school had exit HESI so that helped me with what to do study and where to focus my study content on.

ANYWAYS.... my UWORLD test scores: well... not the best compared to others. I completed 1491 questions (69% used) and my overall bank score was 55%. I had 2 self assessments, the first one I took Tuesday, Feb 7th. Keep in mind my test was scheduled, Friday Feb 10th. I got 59% HIGH chance of passing. THEN next day Wednesday, I took another self assessment and got 50% LOW chance of passing.... This killed all my confidence and really upped up my anxiety.

I really thought I wasn't capable of passing. My issue was that I wouldn't take the time to REALLY read the question and answer options throughly. NCLEX is easier than Uworld so as long as you're doing practice questions and reading the rationales, YOU WILL BE OKAY!!! DO NOT LET YOUR ANXIETY GET TO YOU.

I also listened and took notes from the 12 Mark K lectures. I really took my time with those and did one a day and actually took hand-written notes while I listened and reviewed those notes by myself then had one of my family members test me for what I learned that day.

Okay so I have really BAD anxiety and when Im not reviewing or doing questions, I really start to overthink and feel guilty like I'm not doing enough. SOOO AFTER all the advice of not to do anything the day before your exam, I did NOT listen. Was it a mistake??? possibly as I took a Kaplan CAT test and got a RED overall (which is bad lol) and really got in my head like wtf am I doing. Especially with my previous scored being GREEN overall.

SOOOO if you're going to do something the day before your exam I really just recommend reviewing your notes and IF you do end up doing questions or any practice exam, DO NOT ALLOW YOUR SCORE (good or bad) get in your head. Then go do something for yourself, something you enjoy for the rest of day. Try to sleep early and eat healthy. I literally went to sleep 10 o'clock and woke up every 2 hours out of nervousness until 6am.

I did the full 145 questions and really made sure to take my time to read the question and take breaks when needed. I did the pop up trick later that day and got a GOOD pop up. Tonight officially I got my exam scores and PASSED.

I PROMISE YOU, IF I CAN DO IT.. SO CAN YOU!!!!!!!! believe in yourself. You aren't going to know everything and that is okay. You know enough. YOU ARE STRONG, SMART, AND CAPABLE!!!!

MAKE NCLEX your B******!!!! good luck sending positive vibes to anyone who is reading this

3/3/2023 7:20:36 PM
Pray for me as I prepare to take the NCLEX! I have been doing ok especially after I read the rationales… I currently get 61% of my questions correct and a high chance of passing on the assessment I would like to get a very high chance of passing just to feel a little better even though I know I should rely on that alone. I just truly want to pass!

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