August Test Date

5/9/2024 2:03:29 PM
Testing August 23rd! Looking for anyone needing someone to study with/hold accountable!!

6/4/2024 12:38:16 AM
sppj643237 wrote:
Testing August 23rd! Looking for anyone needing someone to study with/hold accountable!!

I test the same date! Down to be accountability buddies

6/12/2024 12:00:06 AM
sppj643237 wrote:
Testing August 23rd! Looking for anyone needing someone to study with/hold accountable!!

Hey! I'm on a similar timeline. Let me know if you're still looking for people.

6/24/2024 1:31:42 PM
sppj643237 wrote:
Testing August 23rd! Looking for anyone needing someone to study with/hold accountable!!

Have same test date, I'm down!

7/22/2024 5:38:48 PM
im down aswell! im testing aug 9th so lets see how that goes.

8/7/2024 9:02:06 PM
Me too

pages: 1

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