10/16/2019 10:09:59 AM
I've been studying for Reg since July. With so much material, how is it that people are able to pass within such short periods of time?! At times it feels like there's no way someone can pass this exam within a few months. Even following the study plans, once you get so far into the next sections, I find myself forgetting what I had previously learned. Does anyone have the same feeling/experience? I feel like I'm seeing new things or missing the small things as I'm reviewing. First test is tomorrow (17OCT)…..any suggestions on tips/tricks for studying for my next exams?!?!

10/21/2019 11:53:41 AM
I think we all fee the same. How did you do?

10/21/2019 12:14:46 PM
I feel like it could've been in a different language and wouldn't have mattered. Afterwards I went back to the book and found answers to questions that were asked. The answers were covered, but they were VERY detailed. It was a bit discouraging during the exam but it was comforting at least seeing the same format that Roger cpa review uses

6/12/2023 2:49:20 AM
Keep patience. Thats the advice.

pages: 1

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