Homework Help Center

10/29/2019 5:01:03 PM
What happened to it?????? The study hub is not even remotley the same???? does anyone know to ask questions????

10/30/2019 10:35:01 AM
BrBe32735 wrote:
What happened to it?????? The study hub is not even remotley the same???? does anyone know to ask questions????

Hello, please reach out to us at [email protected] for assistance.

UWorld Customer Care Team

10/31/2019 12:01:20 PM
I have been searching a phrase from the question to find discussions. The question IDs don't seem to work and I am not sure how to post your own question.

I am very disappointed in the update.

10/31/2019 3:54:52 PM
I agree, this is unreal...Roger has to change this.....

11/1/2019 8:49:46 AM
Hello, please reach out to us at [email protected] for assistance...............umm....this does not help....U world is not helpful at all.....i think Roger needs to go back to legacy format, U world is useless at this point for CPA.......MCAT, SAT has nothing to do with CPA. this is bizarre.

11/4/2019 12:28:12 PM
What the heck?? They should have warned us that the Homework Help Center would be gone with the update, otherwise I would NOT have done that! The questions and answers in the Study Hub are from like 2015, which is really unhelpful in REG with all the new changes!

11/4/2019 2:36:21 PM
Yes indeed, i agree.

11/5/2019 1:48:34 PM
I agree, HomeWork Help center was BIG BIG support for me. Its not the same anymore. I still can't get used to Study Hub. Sad Sad Sad!!!

11/5/2019 1:49:22 PM
I agree, HomeWork Help center was BIG BIG support for me. Its not the same anymore. I still can't get used to Study Hub. Sad Sad Sad!!!

9/15/2023 9:30:36 AM
Not so long ago I was given a task to write a fairly large written work and my friend advised me to do this https://writersperhour.com/buy-research-proposal . Does anyone have any experience with them? I am curious to know about their ability to increase the clarity and coherence of my writing. I hope someone can answer this question for me!

2/18/2024 10:41:25 AM
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edited by on 2/18/2024

pages: 1

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