Second try step 3

4/21/2013 3:13:17 PM
Guys im taking step 3 second time im looking for tips and feedback
first time around i did UWorld score 58%
took the test and got 177 :-(

now for the second time
kaplan qbank 65%
UWorld 72%
uamleworld self assesment 213/480
nbme 2 350 (auchh)
test in 2 weeks ???

4/21/2013 3:13:54 PM

4/21/2013 3:14:32 PM
that is a side by side comparison of my test report to the left and the nbme test report to the right

4/21/2013 3:41:59 PM
no one??

4/22/2013 4:40:41 AM
How did you do in your ccs in the real exam?

looks like you need to improve on your ccs, its kindda on the low performance side. If you do that + manage your time in the exam during mcq's and you should be good.

7/30/2013 3:19:23 PM
I got my scores back and i passed with 196

what i did different the second time around:

1-did UWorld again 79%'

2- did qbank completely 80%

3-UWorld selfassesment 213

Good luck to everybody facing the last beast!!
edited by yaVa54351734 on 7/30/2013
edited by yaVa54351734 on 7/30/2013
edited by yaVa54351734 on 7/30/2013

7/30/2013 3:22:38 PM

9/16/2013 11:58:19 AM
passed with 196!

pages: 1

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