Observership program in Oklahoma

5/9/2010 1:25:04 AM
The Oklahoma State Medical Association has created an observership program. The 12-week program will be made up of three to six rotations in various specialties. Every effort will be made to arrange for at least one rotation in the observer’s choice of specialty but it cannot be guaranteed. During the program, you may have the opportunity to participate in the following ways:

Attending hospital rounds with the mentor,
Attending office/outpatient clinic,
Attending patient care conferences,
Participating in educational lectures
Observing procedures,
Reviewing literature and performing literature search.
During the program, the observer may have the opportunity to:

Learn the process of obtaining a history and physical,
Demonstrate patient/physician communication skills,
Describe the role of the health care team,
Demonstrate effective telephone communication with members of the health care team,
Review clinical ,laboratory, and radiological data,
Access clinical data.
Demonstrate web based research,
Learn the process of writing a physician order,
Learn the process of writing a medication order,
Learn to present a clinical case for a patient conference,
Be familiar with the appropriate attire for a hospital or clinic,
Learn a basic understanding of HIPAA,
Describe a valid informed consent.

The role of the OSMA is to process the application, facilitate the placement, and to verify completion of the program. The OSMA is not the supervisor of the observer. Upon completion of the rotations and after receiving evaluations from the mentor physicians, the observer will receive a certificate of completion from the OSMA indicating the number of weeks served as well as mentors and their medical specialties. The participant will learn by observing the mentor.


5/11/2010 8:57:34 PM
hi mari,
thanx for this valuable post.

do u know anything about Texas observership programe?

thanx again.

5/13/2010 10:29:54 PM
I don't know about other observerships, just passing on emails that I find useful. The American Medical Association has a membership for IMGs waiting for residency positions - it involves membership fee and may not suit everyone, but this could be a way to be in the loop about what organized medicine is doing with and/or for IMGs.
AMA has over 33000 IMG members.
'Who is Eligible?
The AMA is pleased to offer membership resources and dedicated support to international medical school graduates (IMGs) who are currently ECFMG-certified and are awaiting matching into a U.S. residency program (GME position). Join today to take advantage of the specific benefits and assistance the AMA offers to individuals at this stage of their medical career.' Read more...

5/16/2010 1:46:28 AM
hi mari,
thanx a lot........

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