Passed (75 questions), 2nd attempt. Advice. PART 2

10/7/2016 3:09:52 PM
Second, the motivation, determination, and time matter a lot! So I will be explaining what I did and what worked for me and what I think I should've done. Just like ADPIE (everyone out of nursing school knows what this is!), assessment is first! So... you need to know just how much you know now and whether you need to use another resource to read more in-depth. What I mean is that if you absolutely do not have a clue on more than 50% of the questions you got, then you might need Saunders or a textbook.
1.) A-Assess: I assessed myself by completing two 75 question timed test of everything! (it is up to you how you want to break this down (e.g six 25 question tests)). Again, I did not worry about getting a good score!
2.) D-Diagnosis: I looked at the areas that I have the LOWEST grade on. My weakest areas.
3.) P-Planning: I made a study schedule. (The number of questions you do and how much time you need is totally up to you! There is more than one way! Everyone is different. The amount of questions you need to do depends on how ready you are!) I scheduled, what day I am going to take the x number of questions, starting with the one with the lowest average! (Tip: I suggest starting at Adult Health).
3.) I: Intervention: When I make the test, I made sure to put it on timed for the first two tests (totaling 75 questions). I READ THE RATIONALES! (You can make note by writing down the question ID (located on the top center when you take the test and go back to it if you feel you still do not get it; or write it down or just read them (it is up to you)). UWORLD gives you the BEST RATIONALES! Concise and accurate with helpful hints!


5.) E-Evaluation: I evaluate whether I have a better understanding of the concepts. I created another test, in tutor mode. (This is what I see as "studying" where you will be able to see firsthand which types of question you are constantly making a mistake on. If there is a constant evidence that you do not understand a certain topic (for me, it was Cardiovascular System in Adult Health) then I would solely study that.

6.) I just repeated steps 2-5 until I finished all my categories. Then 1 week before my exam until two days before my exam (YOU NEED TO REST THE DAY BEFORE), I took a timed test for the remaining questions with ALL of the categories in 75 questions blocks. I studied insulin charts, AV blocks, lab values, and infection control (what precaution (airborne, contact, droplet, standard) is used for a certain diagnosis) three days before my exam until the day before (to just review).

PRAY. PRAY. PRAY. PRAY. Good luck in your future endeavors! I hope my forum has helped you!

I took mine on October 6th at 8am and had the result by 7:30am the next day (today!) on the AZBN site. I did not do the PVT (it would just make me more nervous) nor did I pay for the quick results (I saved $8!).

Good luck to you all! Please let me know if you guys have any questions, concerns, or comments. My UWORLD expires on October 18th. Good luck and God bless!

10/7/2016 4:26:00 PM
Thank you for sharing your NCLEX study experience and congratulations on passing the NCLEX
Question: Which book or website did you use to study the lab values? I have been using different sources (Saunders, ATI, NCLEX Mastery) and the numbers for some lab values are different. I don't know which source to use.

10/7/2016 4:41:06 PM
I actually got it from UWORLD. I found it at the rationale after I took a test about fluid and electrolytes, I believe.

10/7/2016 7:16:32 PM
Fluids and Electrolytes? I don't see a UWORLD test section on Fluids and Electrolytes, but I saw a Hursts video on it though. If you got it from the rationales then I might use UWORLD. Thank you.

10/8/2016 9:10:44 AM
Well done! Thanks for sharing your story, and for going into so much detail, it really helped.
Just wanted some advice, my test scores are all over the place, I can get 35% one week, then 68%, then back to 40, but I seem to be stuck around 48% mark, any suggestions gratefully received. I'm thinking of going back to review the content again with NCSBN, then redo Uworld.

10/8/2016 12:18:57 PM
I asked a question in your part 1, but you answered all my questions, and really showed me the whole waeak section thing i did not think of, THANK YOU for all the tips, much love, from the ones that still need to make it. YOURE GOING TO MAKE AN EXCELLENT NURSE!! good job!! thank you again for the time you took to make these posts

10/13/2016 1:56:04 AM
rlhz588205 wrote:
Well done! Thanks for sharing your story, and for going into so much detail, it really helped.
Just wanted some advice, my test scores are all over the place, I can get 35% one week, then 68%, then back to 40, but I seem to be stuck around 48% mark, any suggestions gratefully received. I'm thinking of going back to review the content again with NCSBN, then redo Uworld.

I don't mean to just jump in and interrupt but I thought I would share my experience since it seems similar. My test scores were all over the place when I first started as well (40s to 60s and even a 20, but we won't talk about that, it was a bad day). I have seen such a MASSIVE improvement as I have continued though so stick with UWORLD it's working in my opinion (I'm now scoring anywhere from 57 to high 70s). As stated above, read every rationale for right or wrong answers, look at every picture, chart, and expand with other materials/resources if you need extra clarification.
I also needed to brush up on my content and purchased NCSBN and loved it. I finished all their content while also using UWORLD. I tried NCSBN's practice question bank and it left me confused and frustrated though. They offered very short rationales and unlike UWORLD they didn't provide rationales for the wrong answers and I think that's a critical part of learning.
I would recommend NCSBN if you think a brush up on content would help. It compliments UWORLD nicely.

Hope this helps!

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