My story.. please read if you feel discouraged

4/1/2017 9:42:24 PM
So I failed my nclex 2 times, first time I used Kaplan, second time I used prep-u. Prep u was good because it helped me pass my PN boards, but I was up to level 8 when I took my boards and passed, when I took it for RN however, I only reached level 3 on most things and level 4 on a few.
Everyone else in my class was passing their boards using uworld, even people that I did better than in class , so I decided to get a subscription and try my luck even though I was skeptical.
This was my third try, I used absolutely nothing but Uworld. I did not know what the self assessment test was, so I took it first, it said 30% borderline of passing nclex. I was like no doubt, obviously because my second try I had gone all the way to 265 questions and first try I had gone to 127 questions. So I was heart broken, but reading people's stories on here helped me. I started off doing just 10 questions at a day then 50 questions a day, sets of 10. Eventually I started doing 75 a day, on tutor mode, and reading every rationale. I would answer a question, read a rationale, write notes on my notebook then move on to the next question. I had so many notes. I would write everything even when I knew it was easy, as long as I had forgotten about it, I would write it down. It helped, two days before the boards, I had finished all the questions so I was just going through all the notes I wrote. On the day of, I slept in and took my boards, it felt easy. I thought I failed again because it felt too easy, and I only had 75 questions. Guess what guys, I found out I passed. My second assessment was 60% with very high chance of passing. My average was at 20% when I first started, by the time I was done taking all the questions, my average was 52 percentile or present on the regular questions and not self assessment. So I'm here to tell you, don't feel discouraged when you see people post they have 90% before their boards, read every rationale, look at the pictures and if you're tired, take a break. Thanks again to uworld! Don't be discouraged and I hope this message helps someone
edited by on 4/6/2017

4/5/2017 2:05:31 PM
Thank needed big motivation this is my second attempt actually.

4/5/2017 2:43:39 PM
Oh apparently I still have the capability of coming back and replying lol. I just got a notification haha.
Sorry for all the typos I was typing so fast and I didn't even proof read.

Anyways, I'm glad I could inspire someone don't feel discouraged, if I could do it, anyone can. I did not use any other study material besides uworld.. I read every rationale they have. And my average was about 52% and last assessment was 60% with very high chance of passing. Make notes and study them as well because you will forget some things.
When I took the NCLEX, it was so easy that I thought I had failed again, especially because it shut off at 75... but that's how well uworld prepares you. Also the last time I failed, I kept looking at the questions so annoyed that they were never ending, but this time when I took it and passed, I even forgot I was testing because it just felt like I was doing another uworld practice test. You got this and really, you can do it )

4/5/2017 3:46:34 PM
thank you for the insight and positive vibes. I will be testing in 12 days and have done nothing but Uworld and have a total 500 questions/ 2 composition book from my notes. I still have 800 questions to go. I feel like I am understanding the questions much better with UWorld. This will be my 4th attempts. Thank you so much.
edited by on 4/5/2017

4/5/2017 4:15:37 PM
gmsu987683 wrote:
thank you for the insight and positive vibes. I will be testing in 12 days and have done nothing but Uworld and have a total 500 questions/ 2 composition book from my notes. I still have 800 questions to go. I feel like I am understanding the questions much better with UWorld. This will be my 4th attempts. Thank you so much.
edited by on 4/5/2017

No problem, glad my story could inspire you. Just try to finish up all the questions if you can because there's no repeated topics that I could remember, but if they do, just know that it's important and you really do need to know about it. If you have 12 days left, try and take atleast four hours a day, do 80 questions and read rationales and make notes as you go, then two days before exam day go over your notes.
I don't think you'll be ready with just the 500 you've done. Also by the time you get to about 900 questions, you'll notice that you don't have to write as many notes as when you first started and repeated topics like PAD, Cushings and addisons disease and lab values and EKGs will come as a second nature to you and you'll be able to start identifying them so you won't have to write as many notes. Also it's a good thing if you can print out some pictures of you can, like I did for the cranial nerves and stuff I wanted to remember so that I could look at them without going back to look for the questions to find the picture. For the most part I was at 38% but the last 400 questions or so I started doing well and I was able to improve my grades. Don't go in half prepared, you can do this though. And it's better to just do all the questions and get it over with and pass rather than do half the questions, take the test and fail then wonder what could have been. And start all over again. Hopefully that makes sense
Good luck to you!

4/5/2017 5:11:01 PM
Thanks for sharing..............I will be taking mine in 14days but my subscription will end 4days before my exams. I am believing I too will pass.

4/5/2017 5:56:24 PM
mayokun wrote:
Thanks for sharing..............I will be taking mine in 14days but my subscription will end 4days before my exams. I am believing I too will pass.

You got this 💪🏿

4/6/2017 1:27:47 AM
oitl663689 wrote:
Because my subscription expires today, I dont think I'll be able to come in here to reply or create a board, so I figured even though I never write anything online, I should share my story.

So I failed my nclex 2 times, first time I used Kaplan, second time I used prep-u. Prep u was good because it helped me pass my PN boards, but I was up to level 8 when I took my boards and passed, when I took it for RN however, I only reached level 3 on most things and level 4 on a few.
Everyone else in my class was passing their boards using uworld, even people that I did better than in class , so I decided to get a subscription and try my luck even though I was skeptical.
This was my third try, I used absolutely nothing but Uworld. I did not know what the self assessment test was, so I tooonit first, it said 30% borderline of passing nclex. I was like no doubt, obviously, second try I had gone all the way to 265 questions and first try I had gone to 127 questions. So I was heart broken, but reading people's stories on here helped me. I started off doing just 10 questions at a day then 50 questions a day, sets of 10. Eventually I started doing 75 a day, on tutor mode, and reading every rationale. I would answer a question, read a rationale, write notes on my notebook then move on to the next question. I had so many notes. I would write everything even when I knew it was easy, as long as I had forgotten about it, I would write it down. It helped, two days before the boards, I had finished all the questions so I was just going through all the notes I wrote. On the day of, I slept in and took my boards, it felt easy. I thought I failed again because it felt too easy, and I only had 75 questions. Guess what guys, I found out I passed. My second assessment was 60% with high chance of passing. My average was at 20% when I first started, by the time I was done taking all the questions, my average was 52 percentile or present on the regular questions and not self assessment. So I'm here to tell you, don't be discouraged when you see people post they have 90% before their boards, read every rationale. Look at the pictures and if you're tired, take a break. Thanks again to uworld! Don't be discouraged and I hope this message helps someone

4/6/2017 1:54:28 AM
Hello, I test on May 6 and I need some structured guidance. I started UWorld yesterday and I did 75 questions in all categories and score 46.7% which is extremely low. I noticed you said that you tested and went back and read the rationales thoroughly and wrote notes. Can you tell me exactly what you did step by step and when you said notes can you kind of clarify a little on that. Thanks in advance

4/6/2017 1:58:19 AM
jhpd752480 wrote:
Hello, I test on May 6 and I need some structured guidance. I started UWorld yesterday and I did 75 questions in all categories and score 46.7% which is extremely low. I noticed you said that you tested and went back and read the rationales thoroughly and wrote notes. Can you tell me exactly what you did step by step and when you said notes can you kind of clarify a little on that. Thanks in advance

Also I noticed someone wanted a study partner but that charges. I am willing to study via Skype or another web source.

4/6/2017 3:15:22 PM
jhpd752480 wrote:
Hello, I test on May 6 and I need some structured guidance. I started UWorld yesterday and I did 75 questions in all categories and score 46.7% which is extremely low. I noticed you said that you tested and went back and read the rationales thoroughly and wrote notes. Can you tell me exactly what you did step by step and when you said notes can you kind of clarify a little on that. Thanks in advance

ok so you still got enough time to study it looks like. 46.7% is such a good start for your first try, I started with 11%. so just keep taking 75 questions everyday. I didn't test and go back because that would make me feel like I just did 75 questions twice lol, but what I did do was I put it on tutor mode, select all questions, and then I didn't time it either because I know I test fast and so timing is not my weakness. So after I out it on tutor mode, I would answer a question, then check the answer, read the rationale, then write the very bottom of the rationale that I dont know about on my notebook, and sometimes some rationale explanations from the top (as in sometimes the rationale at the bottom doesn't have all the details so I look on the rest of the rationale). I also realized writing it down helps because just by reading, I missed some stuff even though I thought I understood, and writing it out, my brain processes slower, so it makes more sense) basically, one question would take me about 5-10 minutes between answering, reading the rationale and writing the rationale down so I can understand. 75 questions took me literally 4-6 hours. Also I wrote them down because I realized I cant copy and paste or take pictures lol. So im actually grateful they did it that way because writing it down helped me understand it. Like I said, I started with 10 questions a day, and slowly progressed to 20 then 50 then 75. So this worked for me, idk if it will work for you, but if it does then well and good. Oh and the nclex I really was out of there in an hour and 15 minutes, never thought I would finish it that fast, I was prepared for 265 questions, I even brought food and everything. lol

4/7/2017 12:30:58 PM
i take my test for the 4th time on April 19th I have been scoring above average on all the tests and today i took the self assessment and scored only in the 24th percentile! I dont understand those reflections because I was doing so well on the test before I took this self assessment. I have about 600 more questions left and all the question will be done in my bank. Loosing hope as test day approaches and I did so poorly on the self assesment

4/7/2017 12:36:40 PM
hztr995502 wrote:
i take my test for the 4th time on April 19th I have been scoring above average on all the tests and today i took the self assessment and scored only in the 24th percentile! I dont understand those reflections because I was doing so well on the test before I took this self assessment. I have about 600 more questions left and all the question will be done in my bank. Loosing hope as test day approaches and I did so poorly on the self assesment

I wanna say that the self assesment was pretty accurate for me both times and for my friends as well. But don't let that discourage you.. uworld is also a lot harder than the real nclex. So keep taking those questions and really read the rationales to understand them so you can be able to answer similar questions. You've got about two weeks left and that's plenty of time to learn a lot! Don't focus too much on your low score, just keep staying positive and
Keep taking the questions. Good luck to you though

4/10/2017 4:15:23 PM
I too will be taking mine on the 19th and my second assessment is am on borderline of passing but am not discouraged. I will keep on answering more questions and reading the rationale. Just keep faith and believe you will pass.

6/10/2017 7:04:37 PM
Thanks for posting <3 I test a month from tomorrow. I have been using Kaplan but hate it. I got a 97 percent chance of passing but in UWORLD I got a 53% borderline. I can totally see the difference in the way the questions are asking. I love UWORLD already!! Hopefully my scores get better once I finish my Mark K audios and Illustrated book! Congrats new nurse

6/20/2019 3:36:07 PM
oitl663689 wrote:
So I failed my nclex 2 times, first time I used Kaplan, second time I used prep-u. Prep u was good because it helped me pass my PN boards, but I was up to level 8 when I took my boards and passed, when I took it for RN however, I only reached level 3 on most things and level 4 on a few.
Everyone else in my class was passing their boards using uworld, even people that I did better than in class , so I decided to get a subscription and try my luck even though I was skeptical.
This was my third try, I used absolutely nothing but Uworld. I did not know what the self assessment test was, so I took it first, it said 30% borderline of passing nclex. I was like no doubt, obviously because my second try I had gone all the way to 265 questions and first try I had gone to 127 questions. So I was heart broken, but reading people's stories on here helped me. I started off doing just 10 questions at a day then 50 questions a day, sets of 10. Eventually I started doing 75 a day, on tutor mode, and reading every rationale. I would answer a question, read a rationale, write notes on my notebook then move on to the next question. I had so many notes. I would write everything even when I knew it was easy, as long as I had forgotten about it, I would write it down. It helped, two days before the boards, I had finished all the questions so I was just going through all the notes I wrote. On the day of, I slept in and took my boards, it felt easy. I thought I failed again because it felt too easy, and I only had 75 questions. Guess what guys, I found out I passed. My second assessment was 60% with very high chance of passing. My average was at 20% when I first started, by the time I was done taking all the questions, my average was 52 percentile or present on the regular questions and not self assessment. So I'm here to tell you, don't feel discouraged when you see people post they have 90% before their boards, read every rationale, look at the pictures and if you're tired, take a break. Thanks again to uworld! Don't be discouraged and I hope this message helps someone
edited by on 4/6/2017

10/14/2021 1:31:03 AM
oitl663689 wrote:
So I failed my nclex 2 times, first time I used Kaplan, second time I used prep-u. Prep u was good because it helped me pass my PN boards, but I was up to level 8 when I took my boards and passed, when I took it for RN however, I only reached level 3 on most things and level 4 on a few.
Everyone else in my class was passing their boards using uworld, even people that I did better than in class , so I decided to get a subscription and try my luck even though I was skeptical.
This was my third try, I used absolutely nothing but Uworld. I did not know what the self assessment test was, so I took it first, it said 30% borderline of passing nclex. I was like no doubt, obviously because my second try I had gone all the way to 265 questions and first try I had gone to 127 questions. So I was heart broken, but reading people's stories on here helped me. I started off doing just 10 questions at a day then 50 questions a day, sets of 10. Eventually I started doing 75 a day, on tutor mode, and reading every rationale. I would answer a question, read a rationale, write notes on my notebook then move on to the next question. I had so many notes. I would write everything even when I knew it was easy, as long as I had forgotten about it, I would write it down. It helped, two days before the boards, I had finished all the questions so I was just going through all the notes I wrote. On the day of, I slept in and took my boards, it felt easy. I thought I failed again because it felt too easy, and I only had 75 questions. Guess what guys, I found out I passed. My second assessment was 60% with very high chance of passing. My average was at 20% when I first started, by the time I was done taking all the questions, my average was 52 percentile or present on the regular questions and not self assessment. So I'm here to tell you, don't feel discouraged when you see people post they have 90% before their boards, read every rationale, look at the pictures and if you're tired, take a break. Thanks again to uworld! Don't be discouraged and I hope this message helps someone
edited by on 4/6/2017

5/23/2024 6:02:11 AM
oitl663689 wrote:
So I failed my nclex 2 times, first time I used Kaplan, second time I used prep-u. Prep u was good because it helped me pass my PN boards, but I was up to level 8 when I took my boards and passed, when I took it for RN however, I only reached level 3 on most things and level 4 on a few.
Everyone else in my class was passing their boards using uworld, even people that I did better than in class , so I decided to get a subscription and try my luck even though I was skeptical.
This was my third try, I used absolutely nothing but Uworld. I did not know what the self assessment test was, so I took it first, it said 30% borderline of passing nclex. I was like no doubt, obviously because my second try I had gone all the way to 265 questions and first try I had gone to 127 questions. So I was heart broken, but reading people's stories on here helped me. I started off doing just 10 questions at a day then 50 questions a day, sets of 10. Eventually I started doing 75 a day, on tutor mode, and reading every rationale. I would answer a question, read a rationale, write notes on my notebook then move on to the next question. I had so many notes. I would write everything even when I knew it was easy, as long as I had forgotten about it, I would write it down. It helped, two days before the boards, I had finished all the questions so I was just going through all the notes I wrote. On the day of, I slept in and took my boards, it felt easy. I thought I failed again because it felt too easy, and I only had 75 questions. Guess what guys, I found out I passed. My second assessment was 60% with very high chance of passing. My average was at 20% when I first started, by the time I was done taking all the questions, my average was 52 percentile or present on the regular questions and not self assessment. So I'm here to tell you, don't feel discouraged when you see people post they have 90% before their boards, read every rationale, look at the pictures and if you're tired, take a break. Thanks again to uworld! Don't be discouraged and I hope this message helps someone
edited by on 4/6/2017
I understand how tough it can be after failing the NCLEX multiple times. Using UWorld exclusively on my third attempt, doing 10-75 questions a day, and writing extensive notes helped me pass with 75 questions. Stay consistent and take breaks when needed.

For managing stress and maintaining energy, I recommend trying bread from Srsly Low Carb. It was a great addition to my routine.

Don't get discouraged, keep pushing forward, and best of luck on your next attempt!

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