Less than 115 took it today and did pvt 😭

9/2/2017 12:44:23 AM
Today i took my NCLEX-RN not sure what number shutdown but i know for sure less than 115 and did it for 3hours. it was the worst headache of my life today! It felt like it was the hardest one that i had compare to my other test last time shutdown to 229, i took my test at 2pm went home after my test and took a nap, and checked the pvt trick no good pop up... Im so down right now, it's like i will never pass this test, 😭😭😭

9/2/2017 3:32:44 AM
Pvt does not work. Stop doing it. I passed and i kept grtting the bad pop up even after 24 hours. TRUST ME i kno what you're feeling but any website will eventually want to take your money if you throw your credit card info at it. PVT is a glitch and it's pure coincidence because 83% of people pass on the first try. 83 is a big number so people think pvt is specific to them but its just a glitch and a coincidence. Don't stress and have faith

9/2/2017 3:16:15 PM
twgc428483 wrote:
Pvt does not work. Stop doing it. I passed and i kept grtting the bad pop up even after 24 hours. TRUST ME i kno what you're feeling but any website will eventually want to take your money if you throw your credit card info at it. PVT is a glitch and it's pure coincidence because 83% of people pass on the first try. 83 is a big number so people think pvt is specific to them but its just a glitch and a coincidence. Don't stress and have faith

PVT is a pretty accurate predictor using an invalid CVC. I failed on my first attempt and after the exam kept getting the bad popup. Got the good popup on my second attempt and found out I passed. I have never heard of someone getting the good popup and failing the NCLEX. A small number claim they got the bad popup and still passed, but they may not have done the PVT correctly, or later review of their exam was deemed to be passing.

STILL, nothing is certain until you get the official results. For what it's worth, I thought I'd never pass this dang test too, but somehow by maybe a minor miracle I overcame this obstacle. I believe you can too, OP. Keep us posted
edited by on 9/2/2017

9/2/2017 7:46:00 PM
Thank you guys! My state is nyc so i have to wait i guess till tomorrow for my result, im still hoping and praying 😭

9/3/2017 4:10:08 PM
qwdr307371 wrote:
Thank you guys! My state is nyc so i have to wait i guess till tomorrow for my result, im still hoping and praying 😭

9/5/2017 4:02:13 PM
qwdr307371 wrote:
Today i took my NCLEX-RN not sure what number shutdown but i know for sure less than 115 and did it for 3hours. it was the worst headache of my life today! It felt like it was the hardest one that i had compare to my other test last time shutdown to 229, i took my test at 2pm went home after my test and took a nap, and checked the pvt trick no good pop up... Im so down right now, it's like i will never pass this test, 😭😭😭

Please do not feel down. I know it is hard. I have been there myself, I know the feeling very well. Keep the motivation. You are motivating me to continue to study. I am not going to let you be down for this. You can do it. You got this. Keep going.

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