How does the ACT self assessment score?

9/29/2019 1:59:00 PM
Does it only give your score as a percent or does it give it as as a score from 1-36
edited by on 9/29/2019

10/1/2019 10:23:49 AM
It gives you both. It will tell you percent correct/incorrect on each section but also has a score predictor that will give you section and cumulative scores equivalent to the actual ACT test.

9/6/2024 7:33:40 PM
UWorld_Mod wrote:
It gives you both. It will tell you percent correct/incorrect on each section but also has a score predictor that will give you section and cumulative scores equivalent to the actual ACT test.

9/6/2024 7:34:50 PM
ltqz787777 wrote:
UWorld_Mod wrote:
It gives you both. It will tell you percent correct/incorrect on each section but also has a score predictor that will give you section and cumulative scores equivalent to the actual ACT test.

i cannot find the score predictor for my self assessment test

pages: 1

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