what does the % translate into on the actual exam.

4/28/2011 12:46:05 PM
can someone tell me if 50% is a pass?? infact can someone give me a rough key on what the percentages mean?? like 50%-200, 60%-210 etc etc....cause i jus started taking questions n i have no clue if i'm going well or not and I don't see anywhere on the website where they translate these grades....HELP PLZ!!!

4/28/2011 1:35:38 PM
to be very honest with you, 50 percent in any question bank is a receipe for failure. i dont know the exact question bank you are using. is it uw? kaplan qbank? nbmes?
to pass the step 1 , you must target to score in the 60 to 70 percent ranges in all the question banks.
i will suggest you concentrate on uw and use it as a study tool, then take a couple of nbmes for real time prediction of your score, then asess your strenght and weakness.
All the best. hope this helps.

1/24/2023 7:58:08 AM
It's not easy to do this kind of translation. Also how to make a translation from English to Klingon. Where the help of a klingon translator is indispensable in my opinion. Because only professionals can make an accurate translation.
edited by on 1/25/2023

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