few advice and suggestion for all step-3 preps.

3/9/2012 2:09:20 PM
6. CCS: make sure you know the software well, as it is simulated exam uw may not be completely helpfull when it comes to the soft ware as, if you do any blunder the case will end abruptly making you feel what did i do wrong, it did not happen in uw but in the exam it did, so do not panic please read the 10 min introduction about the software and then go for the case, if you still end up doing blunder giving wrong treatment or discharging an ill patient then you just forget it and move on to next case telling yourself i will do the next with more alert and carefully. and well even though you know the case, it is how you manage matters the most, you got to go on serial order in managing the case, if a pt has a pain, make sure you give appropriate pain killer before you do any examination, if pt has hypotention do only relevant physical then you give iv nss, then you go back and do full physical. if a pt wants to leave the office before you make a diagnosis and you feel he needs to be in the hospital please admit him and then continue investigation. if you have admitted the pt in icu, make sure you review the case with next available results but never actually forward the time to next day as the sick pt has only as his doctor and if you go to next day you will end the case abruptly.
7. on the exam day do not read or revise anything, because you need to have atleast 8 hrs sleep the night before and you got concentrate very well in the exam for continuosly for 7 hours, the break times just flies off you may not get even 2 min break for the last blocks so make sure you distribute your time well. this exam does not need mugging up facts it only needs knowing and understanding the topics so relax well just before th exam.
8. please do not talk or chat just before the exam or in between the block, as it may distract the calm mind drawing your attention to irrelevant thoughts.
9. finally in the exam, quick is the word but presense of mind is better, as you are skimming through the cases you are making the right answer, in case you stuck between the 2 or confused about the memory of it, just click what you feel right and move on do not spend not more than 1-2 min on tough question, because you will loose the easy questions at the end, you still only have 10 secs, just click on any answer and complete as there is no negative mark.
hope i have given good suggestion to all of you wish you good luck and may all of you do well in your exams. can shoot me question if you have any.

3/9/2012 7:07:10 PM
Thank you so much. Your advice and suggestions is just what I need now.

One more Question, are you a resident or planning to match?

3/11/2012 1:34:24 PM
i m new in usa, applied for match so waiting for something to happen, well i did my training in internal medicine in australia so for me i find it bit comfortable with qs as 60 % of it was medicine. so how much knowledge you have in overall medicine is good i think.

3/11/2012 8:29:22 PM
Thank u so much ! Can u please tell us,the changes to Step 3 exam which took place after Feb. 15 . as mentioned in the USMLE website. Are there short CCS cases and long cases ? How were the drug abstract questions ? Any suggestions regarding how to tackle these,much appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

3/13/2012 2:47:46 PM
the drug trial or research or drug advertise were there, three sets of questions i found in the exam, each had 3 questions for one drug trial or drug postmarketing analysis, you have to quick enough to go through the question first understanding what actually they are asking you and then look at the data given on the ad make your conclusion what conclusions you can draw out of it. i think there are 2 questions in uw but if you know statistics well you can answer these questions, it is not difficult.
ccs; 3 short cases of 8 mins, 10 long cases of 22 mins, they were not difficult as i explained before how to do ccs.

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