Step 1 study partner in New York

7/9/2024 11:55:50 PM
Looking for study partner New York.

7/29/2024 11:33:08 PM
Hi, Not sure if you are still looking but I would be interested! I'm in manhattan and planning to take within the next few months. I'm an IMG.

8/16/2024 9:52:58 PM
ShakibaHassani wrote:

I am also looking for a SP.
I hve finished FA already with annotations from kaplan and becker
lmk if youre interested.
email: [email protected]
edited by on 7/22/2024

8/16/2024 9:53:29 PM
ioaj699313 wrote:
Looking for study partner New York.

Im in Toronto, wanna connect virtually?

9/5/2024 6:38:17 AM
"Studying with a partner in New York can be incredibly motivating. The city's vibrant energy and diverse academic community provide a stimulating environment to collaborate and push each other towards success."

pages: 1

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